Generator Arrives
February 25, 2021
When we struck water with the drilling of the well, or a borehole as a Kenyan might call it, nearly a decade ago, we quickly realized the importance of electricity to run the pump that brought the water to the surface.
In Karai, the area where the children’s home is located, it is not uncommon for the electric to go down for a day or two, or sometimes a week or more. In recent years, our Kenyan staff has hoped for a generator that would be capable of powering the three-phase pump for times when electricity was not available.

In March of 2019, at our annual Mac & Meatball fundraiser event, we announced a campaign for this project. During the past year, some of you made it clear that this project should be funded.
After much work by our Kenyan staff, they secured a reputable company to supply and install the generator. On February 28 of 2021, the generator became fully functional. We are thankful to those who made this become a reality.